Product update

Use this call to update a product (f.e. stock or price) in EffectConnect.

Header information

Endpoint /products
Method PUT
Base node products
XSD products_update.xsd




Field Obligatory Type Description
identifier yes string The unique parent product identifier
options yes collection of Option Opties


You will need to send this payload as a file, not as plain text. (i.e. use CURLFile when working with PHP)

Response payload

Field Obligatory Type Description
ID yes string Process ID


Example request
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <products> <product> <identifier>12345</identifier> <options> <option> <identifier>abc123456</identifier> <cost>10.50</cost> <price>19.95</price> <priceOriginal>22.95</priceOriginal> <stock>12</stock> <deliveryTime></deliveryTime> </option> </options> </product> </products>
Example response
{ "Request": { "RequestType": "Product", "RequestAction": "Update", "RequestIdentifier": false, "ProcessedAt": "2018-03-26T12:42:12+02:00" }, "Response": { "Result": "Success", "ProductUpdateResponseContainer": { "ID": "1235sdfsf23" } } }
<?xml version="1.0"?> <ApiResponseContainer> <Request> <RequestType>Product</RequestType> <RequestAction>Update</RequestAction> <RequestIdentifier/> <ProcessedAt>2018-03-26T12:42:12+02:00</ProcessedAt> </Request> <Response> <Result>Success</Result> <ProductUpdateResponseContainer> <ID>1235sdfsf23</ID> </ProductUpdateResponseContainer> </Response> </ApiResponseContainer>